Mixing Business with Pleasure
These activities help attendees develop methods for self-care and work-life balance.
Session Categories
When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful
These activities are geared towards reflecting on AAPI feminists as agents of social justice.
Lifting as We Climb
These activities are geared towards mentoring and clinical supervision of feminist psychologists.
Together We Can Do So Much
These activities are geared towards networking among researchers, clinicians and community organizers at all academic and professional career stages.
Mixing Business with Pleasure
When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful
A Roundtable Discussion on feminist identity in Asian cuisine and cooking; artistic expressions and feminism; feminism and pole dancing; body image among female body builders; AAPI feminism and physicality; feminist mindfulness practices, etc.
--Malala Yousafzai
--National Association of Colored Women
--Helen Keller
Program Formats
We solicit submission for Roundtable Discussion, Workshops, and Posters. Our goal is to organize convention activities that provide an alternative to the typical conference experience, which is usually dominated by unidirectional scholarly presentations, with very little time for socializing and networking. Therefore, we require that all Roundtable Discussions and Workshops sessions be interactive and be conducted in a circle format (in which attendees and presenters sit in chairs arranged in a circle). Examples of such sessions include, but are not limited to:
A Workshop in which presenters demonstrate and/or teach their hobby, art, physical activity, or other passions.
A Roundtable Discussion on scholarly work on the AAPI feminist process, social justice issues, mindfulness, authenticity.
A Workshop in which participants process issues related to social justice (e.g., meditation, advocacy)
Lifting as We Climb
A Workshop on applying feminist approaches to mentoring and supervision.
A Roundtable Discussion in which presenters facilitate interactive discussions on scholarly work around the topic of mentoring and academic/clinical supervision.
Together We Can Do So Much
A Roundtable Discussion on scholarly work around the topic of interdisciplinarity, intersectionality, group dynamics.
A Workshop on establishing partnerships with community organizations to conduct community-based participatory research.
Submission Information
Roundtable Discussion (CE eligible)
Submissions for the 75-minute Roundtable Discussion sessions should include a 500-word overall summary of the session, including which of the four session categories the roundtable discussion falls under, names and contact information of the lead and co-presenters, and a 150-word synopsis that will appear in the program. Finally, the submissions should include three learning objectives, CV of each presenter, presenters’ relevant experiences and qualifications to provide CE.
Submissions for Posters should include a 500-word summary of the project, including which of the four session categories the poster falls under, names of the lead presenter and co-presenters, names and contact information of the lead and co-presenters.
Proposal submission is closed.
Submitted proposals will be notified by mid-March.
All proposals are subject to blind peer-reviews. Please do not include any identifying information in the proposal. Presenters’ information should only be included in the proposal cover sheet.
Workshop (CE eligible)
Submissions for the 75-minute Workshop sessions should include a 500-word overall summary of the session, including which of the four categories the workshop falls under, names and contact information of the lead and co-presenters, and a 150-word synopsis that will appear in the program. Finally, the submissions should include three learning objectives, CV of each presenter, presenters’ relevant experiences and qualifications to provide CE.
Guidelines for Writing Learning Objectives are specific learning objectives that the participants will achieve from your proposed session, and each objective should begin with a measurable, action-based verb. For example, “At the end of this session, attendees will be able to apply intersectional feminism to community-engaged partnerships.”
Verbs to Consider: list, describe, recite, write, compute, discuss, explain, predict, apply, demonstrate, prepare, use, analyze, design, select, utilize, compile, create, plan, revise, assess, compare, rate, critique
Verbs to Avoid: know, understand, learn, appreciate, become aware of, become familiar with